Immigrazione ecuadoriana a Genova

Author/s Pietro Chiari
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2006/3
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 149-163 File size 59 KB
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Migration to the city of Genoa has increased noticeably in recent years, to the point that there are now some 40,000 foreigners living there (and this figure only takes legal residents into account). From a numerical point of view, the Ecuadorean community is the largest of all, constituting a very active presence in the city and displaying quite unusual characteristics with regard to methods of arrival and permanence. The tendency for increasing proportions of women to number among Ecuadorean immigrants, their employment as domestic servants and their arrival through ethnic networks are the main subjects debated in this article. It ends with some considerations of immigration into Genoa for the future, also from a legal standpoint, though its validity is not restricted to the city itself, as immigration certainly constitutes a challenge both for the native population and for the civil authorities throughout Italy.

Pietro Chiari, Immigrazione ecuadoriana a Genova in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2006, pp 149-163, DOI: