Gadamer fenomenologo

Journal title PARADIGMI
Author/s Gunter Figal
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/3
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 81-95 File size 84 KB
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Gadamer as Phenomenologist - The aim of this paper is to show the ontological turn in Gadamer’ s hermeneutics and its phenomenological significance. It is argued that Gadamer’ s philosophy may be seen as an ontology of language. The identification of being and language is then adduced as an explanation of hermeneutics in a phenomenological sense. On the ba- sis of an analysis of Gadamer’ s Truth and Method, the conclusion is drawn, that Gadamer takes this phenomenological point of view from Plato’s thinking about Beauty. Figal’s interpretation as evidence of the thing itself enables Gadamer to highlight the phenomenological meaning of the hermeneutics. The author analyses Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics in the light of the phenomenological and ontological concept of evidence: the question of language in terms of evidence. In this sense hermeneutics can be considered as phenomenology.

Gunter Figal, Gadamer fenomenologo in "PARADIGMI" 3/2008, pp 81-95, DOI: