Fermarsi a Reggio Emilia. Insediamenti sinti nel reggiano

Journal title DiPAV - QUADERNI
Author/s Paola Trevisan
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/24
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 51-66 File size 333 KB
DOI 10.3280/DIPAV2009-024005
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Fermarsi a Reggio Emilia. Insediamenti sinti nel reggiano - Starting from what Sinti of Emilia narrate/remember, and considering the shortage of the archives sources, the paper will outline the steps of their progressive relation with the territory between Modena and Reggio Emilia provinces. Concerning the opportunity "to stay", external elements enacted by majority society or those inside the group will be considered. The firsts are an outcome of choises, even contradictories, that different sectors of majority society (Catholic Church, Police, local government, regional and national legislation) operate; the seconds are more related to economic and relational choises maden by Sinti families. The paper analyse above all the forms of settlement of Sinti families and their research for places where they could continue to "stay together" as extended families. The forms of dwelling, either those adopted by Sinti or those imposed to them, are at the same time sources of conflict with the majority society and index of a symbolic distance between the two groups, that is perpetuated even if it assumed different forms in the past.

Paola Trevisan, Fermarsi a Reggio Emilia. Insediamenti sinti nel reggiano in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 24/2009, pp 51-66, DOI: 10.3280/DIPAV2009-024005