"Un'avventura meravigliosa". Infanzia e adolescenza di Leone Ginzburg

Author/s Angelo d'Orsi
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/6
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 50-61 File size 129 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2011-006006
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Leone Ginzburg (1909-1944) was born in Odessa; he spent the most important part of his early formative years in Berlin, and, in Italy, in Turin and Viareggio, showing a talent out of the ordinary. Keen observer of the world around him and attentive reader of the periodical press, Leone showed a great curiosity and interests in literature, music, history and politics, which he expressed in various forms and with different instruments. He soon became Italian in his feeling, while remaining deeply linked to the Russian world, which he studied. Very soon Leone showed his dominant political passion, which, however, never excluded other interests.

Keywords: Leone Ginzburg, Marussia Ginzburg, Odessa, Russia, Berlin, Viareggio, Turin, Gymnasium - High School Gioberti (Turin)

Angelo d'Orsi, "Un'avventura meravigliosa". Infanzia e adolescenza di Leone Ginzburg in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 6/2011, pp 50-61, DOI: 10.3280/HM2011-006006