From quality of work to quality of working life: persistence and innovation in the theoretical profile and methods of analysis

Author/s Giorgio Gosetti
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/127
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 17-34 File size 305 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2012-127003
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The essay considers the quality of work as the outcome of the relationship between worker’s needs and organization of work’s profile. The recent changes have seen the work fragmented and increasingly overlap with the work life, with a request to greater availability to the worker. These changes imply a conceptual and analytical shift from quality of work (centred on intrinsic aspects of work) to quality of working life, which considers as well the relationship between work and life. In the second part the paper presents an analytical framework about quality of working life, which identifies objective and subjective components and fundamental analytical elements aggregated in different dimensions.

Keywords: Quality of work, quality of working life, changes in work organisation, quality of work analysis

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Giorgio Gosetti, Dalla qualità del lavoro alla qualità della vita lavorativa: persistenze e innovazioni nel profilo teorico e nelle modalità di analisi in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 127/2012, pp 17-34, DOI: 10.3280/SL2012-127003