Jerusalem between idealism and realism

Journal title FUTURIBILI
Author/s Shlomo Hassom
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2011/3
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 204-211 File size 109 KB
DOI 10.3280/FU2011-003013
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The author tackles and explores the theme of separation or unification of Jerusalem. On the one hand there is a hypothesis based on liberal-idealist functionalism, in which the city is divided for specific functions but there is a territorial division. On the other hand there is the realistic approach that sees the solution in the spatial separation of the two Jerusalem. The author discusses the intersection of the two approaches, reflecting the complexity of problems of Jerusalem. And so there may be a separation of sovereignty and the establishment of two municipalities, but there can also be shared sovereignty for sites, areas and services that can lose their value if divided or separated, and finally cooperation in the economic sphere as well as in services is necessary for reasons of economic and social welfare.

Keywords: Gerusalemme, sovranità separata, sovranità unica, soluzione idealista, soluzione realista, soluzione complessa, funzionalismo

Shlomo Hassom, Gerusalemme tra idealismo e realismo in "FUTURIBILI" 3/2011, pp 204-211, DOI: 10.3280/FU2011-003013