I colori del ricordo

Journal title SETTING
Author/s Lilia d'Alfonso
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2013/36
Language Italian Pages 72 P. 7-78 File size 4074 KB
DOI 10.3280/SET2013-036001
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In memory of Gaetano Benedetti, died on December 3th, 2013 we are re-printing the moving pages by Lilia d’Alfonso for the book Die Kunst des Hoffens (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 2000), celebrating Benedetti’s 80th anniversary. The title, the words, the tunes, the contents of this article, The colours of remembering, as well as the letters between Benedetti, d’Alfonso and the Editor of the book Bernhard and the draft copies with Benedetti’s own integration we are here reprinting in original the reader can catch the affective climate, the scientific and training frame that originated our Association and School in Milan.

Lilia d'Alfonso, I colori del ricordo in "SETTING" 36/2013, pp 7-78, DOI: 10.3280/SET2013-036001