Subcontracting and differential exploitation of migrant workers. the case of three sector in Italy

Author/s Rossana Cillo, Fabio Perocco
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 101-123 File size 297 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2016-001008
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This article analyses the existing link between the new forms of work organisation resulting from the outsourcing of production and the exploitation of migrant workers employed in shipbuilding, in the engineering industry and in construction. After framing the globalization of subcontracting, we analyse the key stages in its diffusion in Italy, the working conditions of migrant workers in the system of subcontracting of these sectors in relation to work organization’s transformations, migration policies and the combination between labour market stratification and civic stratification. Finally, the article discusses the new challenges - division/unity of workers determined by the policy of subcontracting, difficulty of unionizing migrant workers - posed to the unions by these transformations and the measures taken to protect these workers and support their participation to unions.

Keywords: Subcontracting, Migrant Workers, Trade Unions, Italy.

Jel codes: J5, J6, J7, Z1

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Rossana Cillo, Fabio Perocco, Subappalto e sfruttamento differenziale dei lavoratori immigrati. il caso di tre settori in Italia in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 1/2016, pp 101-123, DOI: 10.3280/ES2016-001008