New services for wellness promotion: the experience of a centres for family support

Author/s Alessandra Latrofa, Elisa Scavuzzo, Anna Tortorella, Francesco Lombardo
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 103-115 File size 219 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2016-001009
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The new approach promoted by the WHO (1948) concerning the concept of wellness has had significant psychosocial implications. At the national level, it is also observed a number of legislative measures concerning social policies aimed at the realization of initiatives and services to enhance and promote skills and resources rather than prevent or reduce disadvantages. The “Centri di ascolto per le famiglie (Centres for family support)” is a service aimed at the promotion of skills and resources in the perspective of empowerment and resilience, the family being considered not as a bearer of needs to be met but as the active beneficiary of services. The authors therefore describe the experience of one of a "Centre for family support" within the Apulia region.

Keywords: Wellbeing, empowerment, resilience, life skills, family support, social politics.

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Alessandra Latrofa, Elisa Scavuzzo, Anna Tortorella, Francesco Lombardo, Nuovi servizi per la promozione del benessere: l’esperienza di un centro di ascolto per la famiglia in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2016, pp 103-115, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2016-001009