Motherhood in women with Multiple Sclerosis. An explorative research about the possible dimensions of well-being even in the illness

Author/s Maria Carlino, Giorgia Margherita
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/3
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 5-25 File size 315 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2016-003001
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To women with Multiple Sclerosis motherhood is an extremely complicated stage. The aim of this paper is to explore the meanings that motherhood and illness assume for these women starting from the idea that the representational aspects might influence orientation, projects and choices. Methods. 20 women with MS were involved and interviewed by a semi-structured interview. The texts of the interviews were analyzed with a cluster analysis implemented by the software T-Lab (Lancia, 2004). Results. From the cluster analysis four thematic clusters emerged, named: the pain of everyday life, dependence from the medical area, close the circle and family role. These results were interpreted on the factorial axis where they organized three vectors of sense representative of the dynamics: from the concrete field to the abstract one, from the project to the spillover effects, from supporting Service to the family support, which highlight representational space where it is difficult to keep together illness and motherhood. Conclusions. We observed how some dimensions (as being a couple or a diagnosis known from longer time) might represent supporting factors to choose a project of motherhood. Some thoughts about the need to design interventions in to the HealthCare Services, that could integrate psychological aspects in usual therapeutic paths, emerge.

Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis, motherhood, representations

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Maria Carlino, Giorgia Margherita, La maternità in donne con Sclerosi Multipla. Una ricerca esplorativa sulle possibili dimensioni di benessere nella malattia in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2016, pp 5-25, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2016-003001