Dream in Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences

Author/s Fabio Castriota
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 101-114 File size 1754 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2017-002006
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Freud, already in his manuscript "Project" (1895), presents a hypothesis on the connection between mental functions and the neuro-physiology of dream. Although psychoanalysis has mainly studied the psychic contents of dreaming, the current contribution of the neurosciences enhances exchanges and generates rich contaminations. New theories and approaches have surfaced in both fields proposing challenging and innovative reflections on dreaming, indeed one of the most puzzling mental phenomena.

Keywords: Dream, dreaming, unconscious mind, neurosciences.

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Fabio Castriota, Il lavoro del sogno tra Psicoanalisi e Neuroscienze in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2017, pp 101-114, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2017-002006