How to think and to organise the end of a psychotherapy?

Author/s Silvia Tosi, Mathilde Meriaux, Thea Rimini, Jennifer Denis
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/51
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 73-99 File size 307 KB
DOI 10.3280/PR2020-051006
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This qualitative research analyses the therapist’s thoughts and ac-tions at the end of a psychotherapeutic process. The sample is composed of three Belgian psychotherapists encoun-tered individually in the context of an explicitation interview. The results have allowed to observe that a good therapeutic alli-ance is important to conclude the psychotherapy in a good way. Moreover, the authors observed that the therapists co-created with their respective patients the end of the psychotherapy, and this helped during the separation process. The authors could observe that the end of a psychotherapy is a cru-cial moment during the clinical process. In addition, if the ending is planned and elaborated in advance, the patient may have the oppor-tunity to live this moment as an opening to new possibilities and experiences.

Keywords: End of psychotherapy, psychotherapy, explicitation inter-view, reflexivity and clinical reasoning.

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Silvia Tosi, Mathilde Meriaux, Thea Rimini, Jennifer Denis, Come si pensa e si organizza la fine di una psicoterapia? in "RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE " 51/2020, pp 73-99, DOI: 10.3280/PR2020-051006