The methods of social research beyond the boundaries of the experimental model.

Author/s Domenico Lipari
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/35
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 42-52 File size 194 KB
DOI 10.3280/EDS2021-035003
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Distancing from the signifier "Methodology of social research" in order to take on the term "Methods" as an alternative, opens on the one hand, to the overcom-ing of an institutionalized and separate vision of the disciplinary summits and, on the other, to a research open to the unexpected. The analysis of the positivistic roots of social research leads to the perspective of the transit from explanation to understanding and interpretation of phenomena. The landing, obviously not de-finitive and always "provisional" to ethnography, is enriched by the perspective of a research, through the narrative, which tends from a "historical truth" to a "narrative truth".

Keywords: social research methodology, methods, disciplinary summits, positiv-ism and social research, ethnography, narrative approach.

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Domenico Lipari, I metodi della ricerca sociale oltre i confini del modello sperimentale in "EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE" 35/2021, pp 42-52, DOI: 10.3280/EDS2021-035003