Per una valutazione dell'impatto sociale del progetto di ponte sullo stretto di Messina

Author/s Nella Ginatempo
Publishing Year 2002 Issue 2001/66
Language Italian Pages 21 P. File size 157 KB
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The article deals with the social impact of large constructions and their and supports the thesis according to which both landscape and environment not only bear a physical or aesthetic significance, but also have a deep social and anthro-pological value. This is why any irreversible landscape transformation would need to be discussed by sociologists as well as by experts of landscape or urban devel-opment. The detailed analysis of the project of the bridge to be built over the Strait of Messina highlights its serious contradictions in terms of local and national economy as well as of social and ecological consideration. (The project in ques-tion was recently submitted to the authorities concerned; our study takes into ac-count the report provided by the international advisors, requested by the Italian Ministry of Works). The construction impact is evaluated also from a cultural standpoint, as the whole Strait of Messina is the mythical place which produced - and still produces - images and myths, literature, folklore, essays, and scientific research about the "topos" of Scilla and Cariddi.

Nella Ginatempo, Per una valutazione dell'impatto sociale del progetto di ponte sullo stretto di Messina in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 66/2001, pp , DOI: