E-government, innovazione istituzionale e sviluppo locale

Journal title ARGOMENTI
Author/s Sebastiano Fadda
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2003/9
Language Italian Pages 26 P. File size 205 KB
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E-government initiatives, althought they have to be considered a must today, run the risk of becoming a simple translation of old beaurocratic routines into current IC technologies, rather than being a tool to achieve better government. In order to avoid this risk, they have to be rooted in a clear vision of the new role of government in front both of the knowledge based society and of the evolution of governance, particularly vith reference to local pro-ductive systems. The paper explores some main characteristics of these two aspects, and derives from them the main features of the new role of government and the main directions along which e-government initiatives have to be set in or-der to be a real chance for achieving administrative improvement, stronger social interaction and effective support for the development of local systems.

Sebastiano Fadda, E-government, innovazione istituzionale e sviluppo locale in "ARGOMENTI" 9/2003, pp , DOI: