Un confronto tra le linee guida per l’ascolto del minore in casi di presunto abuso sessuale

Author/s Roberta Asperges, Giuliana Mazzoni
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2007/3
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 67-92 File size 104 KB
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Un confronto tra le linee guida per l’ascolto del minore in casi di presunto abuso sessuale ABSTRACT: In the article, the content is examined of four guidelines proposed in the US and in the UK on how to conduct interviews in children who are alleged victim of child sexual abuse. Instead of examining each guideline separately, the main topics reported in the four guidelines are reported and compared. The aim of the paper is to offer more in-depth information on the content of these guidelines, which can foster the discussion on the elements that guidelines for interviewing child witnesses should include, and can facilitate the critical exam of Italian guidelines. Key words: child sexual abuse; children; interview; guidelines.

Roberta Asperges, Giuliana Mazzoni, Un confronto tra le linee guida per l’ascolto del minore in casi di presunto abuso sessuale in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 3/2007, pp 67-92, DOI: