Setting narrativi della ricerca-intervento in psicologia della salute

Author/s Maria Francesca Freda, Giovanna Esposito
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 53-70 File size 298 KB
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The relation between narrative methodology and health psychology, in the specific field where health promotion connects to competence development, is discussed in this article. Starting from a socioconstructivist paradigm and from a semiotic model of mind functioning, narration will be explored through an analysis grid identifying three fundamental components of the narrative text. Each components is related to specific semiotic functions of connection: the story component, corresponding to a referential function; the plot component, corresponding to a weaving function; the discourse component, corresponding to a contextualization function. Ultimately the three different models of narrative text use and narrative text analysis will be exemplified with the account of a Research/ Intervention done with Socio-Assistential Workers participating to courses of professional requalification. During the Research/Intervention the narrative device was used as the linking device between knowledge and action. The narrative device used is oriented to explore the symbolic models giving direction to the building process of professional competence and to promote the development of sense-producing and purpose-orienting competences inside the formation context. Key-words: narrative methodology, research-intervention, symbolic models

Maria Francesca Freda, Giovanna Esposito, Setting narrativi della ricerca-intervento in psicologia della salute in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 2/2007, pp 53-70, DOI: