Testimonianza a più voci di un incontro particolare

Journal title RUOLO TERAPEUTICO (il)
Author/s A cura di Roberta Giampietri
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/110
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 21-38 File size 313 KB
DOI 10.3280/RT2009-110003
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A group testimony to a special meeting - Roberta Giampietri reflects on the fact that the group from Parma is made up solely of persons who did not receive their training from Ruolo Terapeutico but who came to know about it in the course of their formative experience and in fact continue with their parallel training elsewhere. sharing, the criticisms, and especially what makes it difficult to feel complete belonging. In this way a group testimony was born where each one freely expressed the good and the bad of this strange place where therapists are not forced to be always healthy. They talk about the discovery that the curative function of therapy is based more on being persons alive and searching than on the theories of an identifying group. On the fact that both patient and therapist are persons with the right to have their wounds cared for. About how persons in supervision can spontaneously express their emotions. But also on the omission of Ruolo about all of the underground exchanges that happen between patient and therapist. About the fact that its theory becomes a lens for decodifying reality and indicating paths. [KEY WORDS: belonging, sharing, criticism]

A cura di Roberta Giampietri, Testimonianza a più voci di un incontro particolare in "RUOLO TERAPEUTICO (il)" 110/2009, pp 21-38, DOI: 10.3280/RT2009-110003