Analogie e mimesi tra scienze computazionali e sociologia: l’Intelligenza Artificiale in Achille Ardigò

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Artieri Giovanni Boccia
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/Suppl. 2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 85-98 File size 83 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2009-SU2005
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Analogie e mimesi tra scienze computazionali e sociologia: l’Intelligenza Artificiale in Achille Ardigò - This essay is about the 80th-90th Italian sociological context when the second order cybernetic and the theory of the complexity introduced a new perspective. That context produced a convergence between social sciences and Artificial Intelligence (AI) theory. The paper focuses on 3 perspectives: 1. the sociocultural change: AI is a cultural approach that produces an imaginary about the mutation introduced by the informatic evolution. It opens people’s concerns and hopes about the relation between "man" and cybernetic "machine". 2. The analogy between the theory that produces intelligence machines and the social system theory that thinks the society in an abstract and artificial way, by producing consequences on epistemological level and governance. 3. the social impact of the AI outputs in relational live and in the production of the reality. On the one hand the interest is about the Expert Systems that can support analytical and decision-making processes - here the risk is an emerging attitude to the abstract process rather then to the practices; on the other hand the interest is about two kinds of interactions: human-machine and human-machine-human.

Keywords: Achille Ardigò, Artificial Intelligence, artificial culture, micromacro link, human-computer interaction, web 2.0.

Parole chiave: Achille Ardigò, Intelligenza Artificiale, cultura dell’artificiale, micro-macro link, comunicazione uomo-macchina, web 2.0.

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Artieri Giovanni Boccia, Analogie e mimesi tra scienze computazionali e sociologia: l’Intelligenza Artificiale in Achille Ardigò in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" Suppl. 2/2009, pp 85-98, DOI: 10.3280/SES2009-SU2005