L’enactment nella bibliografia recente. Un concetto ancora utile?

Author/s Giulia De Paolis
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2009/30
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 5-17 File size 554 KB
DOI 10.3280/JUN2009-030001
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During the interaction between analyst and patient it may occurs some extra-verbal communications that seems like countertransferal acting out: the enactments. These sort of acting out originate from the reactions of the analyst’s and the patient’s personality - even from the black holes of the unconscious of the first one, with some specific conflicts. A narrow exam of these situations often reveals new and useful psychic information till then unknown: it is just this possibility to think about them after their acting out that it is clinically precious. Starting with the historical evolution of the concepts in the analytical journals of the last 20 years, the Author underlines the clinical interest of the meta-communicational character of enactment in the continuing monitoring of countertransference.

Keywords: Enactment, countertransference, acting out, analytical relationship, amplification, interpretative action

  • L'enactment e la self-disclosure in un'ottica relazionale: la soggettività dell'analista Alessandra Ambrosioni, in RICERCA PSICOANALITICA 2/2016 pp.9
    DOI: 10.3280/RPR2016-002002

Giulia De Paolis, L’enactment nella bibliografia recente. Un concetto ancora utile? in "STUDI JUNGHIANI" 30/2009, pp 5-17, DOI: 10.3280/JUN2009-030001