Micropolitiche della malattia: una riflessione antropologica

Journal title DiPAV - QUADERNI
Author/s Ivo Quaranta
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2009/26
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 41-48 File size 474 KB
DOI 10.3280/DIPA2009-026004
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By reflecting on Francesca Cappelletto’s auto-ethnography of doctor-patient relationship, this essay aims at showing the limitation the social organization of biomedicine imposes on the patients’ capability of taking part in the construction of the meaning of their own experience. At the same time, through an anthropological perspective, this contribution claims how such a participation may be able to constitute the therapeutic encounter as a locus of transformation of experience.

Ivo Quaranta, Micropolitiche della malattia: una riflessione antropologica in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 26/2009, pp 41-48, DOI: 10.3280/DIPA2009-026004