Urbanistica e consumo di suolo

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Piergiorgio Bellagamba, Georg Josef Frisch, Giulio Tamburini
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/52
Language Italian Pages 5 P. 30-34 File size 1134 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-052003
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Town planning and soil consumption - Over the last few decades, research into soil consumption has had various objectives, such as the measurement of uses and the dynamics of transformation, control over building works in farming areas and control of settlement dispersion. Research began in the 1970s but planning is only recent, driven along by fresh legislation and EU agreements. Local and landscape planning has an all-important role, especially when it is informed by a vision targeted at establishing new balances between humans and the environment. Consumption containment policies require that regional, provincial and municipal governments jointly adopt instruments not just for the protection of environmental resources, but also for regulating settlement patterns.

Keywords: Planning; soil consumption; environmental resources. Settlement models and soil economy in post-rural culture, Bernardino Romano, Maura Vaccarelli and Francesco Zullo

Piergiorgio Bellagamba, Georg Josef Frisch, Giulio Tamburini, Urbanistica e consumo di suolo in "TERRITORIO" 52/2010, pp 30-34, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-052003