The contemporary city as architecture that changes over time

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Marco Albini
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2010/55
Language Italian Pages 4 P. 11-14 File size 506 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-055002
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Mobility expresses physical and immaterial relationships which act on urban design. The asystematic mobility of temporary city users and the appearance of new uses with traits of functional mixité have disrupted the historical spatial structure of cities. The randomness, the interchangeability and the predominance of empty compared to full spaces, as the effects of globalisation, are inducing architectural and urban design to adopt the principle of indetermination as a basic philosophy. Infrastructural space is an indicator of the new contemporary urban condition for which the objective is to investigate the relations between mobility, collective spaces and private spaces. The attention of the experts has shifted from buildings to routes and social spaces. New ‘zero volume architectures’ which, regardless of the density and the function, highlight the demand for a new sense of space available for multi-scalar use.

Keywords: Mobility; interchangeability; social spaces

Marco Albini, La città contemporanea come architettura mutevole del tempo in "TERRITORIO" 55/2010, pp 11-14, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-055002