The field interactions and the social production of the ethnographer in Gérard Althabe. Beyond a stucked urban ethnography

Author/s Ferdinando Fava
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/95
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 63-87 File size 248 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2011-095004
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The author presents the notion of social production of the ethnographer (French "implication") in the fieldworks of French anthropologist Gérard Althabe and explains its originality by comparing it with the notion of Raymond Gold’s master roles and Patricia and Peter Adler’s membership roles to conceptualize the fieldwork interactions. From within the fieldwork namely, Althabe recognized its epistemological potential firstly to account for the African rural universe in the years of decolonization, and then, in French urban milieue, to analyze the social interactions in the public space at the time of structural transformation of the labor and capital in the 1980s. The author points out the relevance of "implication" and the conceptual operations it enables to correspond the methodological integration claimed to go beyond the stalls of contemporary urban ethnography.

Keywords: Gérard Althabe; social production of the ethnographer; fieldwork epistemology; fieldwork research roles; field methodology

  • Ricerca-azione e università. Produzione di conoscenza, inclusività e diritti Francesca Cognetti, in TERRITORIO 78/2016 pp.40
    DOI: 10.3280/TR2016-078004

Ferdinando Fava, Le interazioni sul campo e l’implicazione in Gérard Althabe. Oltre lo stallo dell’etnografia urbana in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 95/2011, pp 63-87, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2011-095004