Pilastri e Ancore del potere in una prospettiva filosofica

Journal title FOR Rivista per la formazione
Author/s Erminia Vignola
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2013/96-97
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 22-27 File size 625 KB
DOI 10.3280/FOR2013-096006
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FrancoAngeli is member of Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA), a not-for-profit association which run the CrossRef service enabling links to and from online scholarly content.

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Erminia Vignola, Pilastri e Ancore del potere in una prospettiva filosofica in "FOR Rivista per la formazione" 96-97/2013, pp 22-27, DOI: 10.3280/FOR2013-096006