Ambivalence and modernity. The pros and cons of an emotional approach to the animal question

Author/s Niccolò Bertuzzi
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/1
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 159-166 File size 78 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2015-001008
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This essay tackles an issue of fundamental importance for Human-Animal Studies: the emotional dimension of the interspecies relationship. Starting out from the stimuli offered by a collective volume comprising contributions from Italy’s leading exponents in the field and referring to several items that have featured in the news recently, the author sets out to discuss the permanent ambiguity and ambivalence that still beset the relationships between western modernity (with its marked individualism and equally marked anthropocentrism) and other living species: although the issue is of concern to several disciplines, the article refers to the positions adopted by some legal theorists, concentrating on the issue of law and of rights. The importance of an emotional approach to the "animal question" is repeated in the conclusions, but without forgetting the potential contrary arguments that may derive from the exclusivity of such an approach, so stressing that it should be accompanied by a strict scientific and rational commitment.

Keywords: Animalism - Ambivalence - Emotionality - Speciesism - Individualism - Modernity

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Niccolò Bertuzzi, Ambivalenza e modernità. I pro e i contro di un approccio emotivo alla questione animale in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 1/2015, pp 159-166, DOI: 10.3280/SD2015-001008