Law, pluralism and radical democracy. Chantal Mouffe’s political agonism and the phenomenology of Hans Lindahl’s a-legality

Author/s Ferdinando G. Menga
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2015/3
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 141-165 File size 252 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2015-003008
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Recent international debate, especially in the area of radical politics, has drawn attention in various ways to the crucial nature of pluralism and of conflict as an essential element for suitably understanding democracy as based on contingency and history. This article sets out to provide some important tools for drawing a clear paradigmatic distinction between the diverse roots of conflicts and grasping their scope. In particular, by comparing Chantal Mouffe’s philosophical-political approach with Hans Lindahl’s legal-philosophical approach, the author discusses the irreconcilable issues that crop up between an absolute and a radical configuration of political conflict, together with the misleading blends that often find their way into the space between the two options and operate there surreptitiously

Keywords: Antagonism/agonism - A-legality - Contingency - Mouffe - Lindahl

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Ferdinando G. Menga, Diritto, pluralismo, democrazia radicale. Fra l’agonismo politico di Chantal Mouffe e la fenomenologia dell’a-legalità di Hans Lindahl in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2015, pp 141-165, DOI: 10.3280/SD2015-003008