Prato. What is Left of Industrial Districts?

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Michele Cerruti But
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/81
Language Italian Pages 5 P. 111-115 File size 696 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2017-081025
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Prato district modifications after crisis are characterized by two tendencies. From one side the shrinkage of the traditional textile district, together with its verticalization and concentration, which leaves many industrials spaces empty inside the compact city and the typical mixed macrolottos. From the other side the incredible growth of the apparel sector thanks to the fast fashion system lead by a Chinese community, which is a real reindustrialisation process caused by an ethnic immigrated group. The various economic, sociological and anthropological interpretations of the phenomenon are here pointed out. A further spatial perspective underlines anyway the two productive models similarities and differences, with the aim of describing a metropolizing city scattered in conflicts and consonances

Keywords: Industrial district; fast fashion; factory city

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Michele Cerruti But, Prato. Che ne è dei distretti industriali? in "TERRITORIO" 81/2017, pp 111-115, DOI: 10.3280/TR2017-081025