Mediterranean spaces. Moving people and ideas.

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Laura Di Fiore
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/162
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 813-821 File size 34 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2018-162006
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This paper discusses the volume through the lens of its original spatial perspective, decomposing the Mediterranean in plural and variable geographies. Within this framework, significant trans-Mediterranean connections emerge. They are marked out, on the one hand, by the circulation of people, whose collective scope does not obscure the singularity of specific paths by exiles and intellectuals; on the other hand, by the movement of political ideas, outlying a Mediterranean liberalism not as a derivative discourse but as the result of exchanges and hybridization, produced in a polycentric space.

Keywords: Multiple Mediterraneans; trans-Mediterranean connections; Mediterranean biographies; Mediterranean liberalisms

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Laura Di Fiore, Spazi mediterranei. Persone e idee in movimento in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 162/2018, pp 813-821, DOI: 10.3280/SS2018-162006