The territorial welfare between imperative of innovation and contraction of resources

Author/s Maurizio Busacca, Nicoletta Masiero
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 15-30 File size 269 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2019-002003
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The paper, starting from two programs implemented by the Veneto Region - Territorial Alliances for the Family and Action Plans for Youth Policies - is focused on the possible evolution of territorial welfare policies of recent years, when intense pressure on innovation is held back by a growing reduction in public spending. Beyond the institutional objectives, the two experiences examined mean the expressions of "social innovation". The resources activated and the network of actors involved mean that the dynamics triggered can artifi-cially build bonds of proximity and mutual recognition, in which can be recognized and analyzed diversified forms of peer-to-peer production.

Keywords: Social innovation, ‘Second’ Welfare, Network governance, Sharing economy, Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs

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  • Social investment e innovazione sociale: il welfare europeo di fronte a una svolta? Maurizio Busacca, in SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE 129/2023 pp.33
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Maurizio Busacca, Nicoletta Masiero, Il welfare territoriale tra contrazione delle risorse e imperativo di innovazione in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 2/2019, pp 15-30, DOI: 10.3280/ES2019-002003