Anti-Jewish Prejudice: the Last Ten Years in two qualitative researches

Author/s Betti Guetta
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/120
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 95-111 File size 182 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2019-120004
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This article shows the results of two sociological studies carried out in different years (2006/2017) through focus groups on the nature and structure of anti-Jewish prejudice. The image of Jews in Italy that emerges from the study is quite confused: the widespread negative idea about Jews confirms there is a huge supply of old and new symbolic material to incite prejudice in situations of crisis. Prejudice is a particularly fertile ground for the proliferation of Anti-Semitism, a unique phenomenon due to its continuation throughout centuries and ghosts that incessantly feed it.

  1. Z. Bauman (2011), «Allosemitismo: premoderno, moderno, postmoderno», R&M Razzismo e modernità, 1 pp. 9-25.
  2. E. Campelli (1990), L’immagine dell’ebreo: il mito e la storia, in L’immagine dell’ebreo nell’Italia degli anni ’80, numero monografico de La rassegna mensile di Israel, LVI, 3, pp. 313-36.
  3. D. Horvilleur (2019), Réflexions sur la question anti-semite, Paris, Grasset.

Betti Guetta, Pregiudizio antiebraico: gli ultimi dieci anni in due indagini qualitative in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 120/2019, pp 95-111, DOI: 10.3280/SR2019-120004