Countertransference in Lacan

Author/s Antonio Di Ciaccia
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/3
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 467-476 File size 273 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2021-003003
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Lacan in the psychoanalytic treatment contrasts countertransference to the function of "the ana-lyst’s desire". After addressing this issue in Freud, Lacan turns to the advocates of the "totalistic" conception of countertransference (i.e., understood as the full range of the emotional states of the analyst in front of the patient, and not only as "the analyst’s transference") and shows that coun-tertransference works by putting the analyst’s desire into play. It is not a question of the analyst’s desire but of a function: the function that allows for the symbolic elaboration in order to grasp, beyond the dyadic - and therefore imaginary - relationship, the real at stake in the patient’s expe-rience. Lacan’s intention will then be to point out which are the key aspects for the emergence of this function in an analysand so that he can become a psychoanalyst. This transformation takes place on two axes, both produced by the working through in analysis of the future analyst and that will be the basis for working as such. They are the axis of unconscious knowledge and the axis of what the analysand is and must be in the treatment with his patients.

Keywords: Counter-transference; Imaginary, symbolic, and real; Lacan; The psychoanalyst’ desire; The psychoana-lyst’ discourse

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Antonio Di Ciaccia, Il controtransfert in Lacan in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 3/2021, pp 467-476, DOI: 10.3280/PU2021-003003