Stardom and photography. Cléo de Mérode, the first fashion icon

Author/s Federica Muzzarelli
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2021/88
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 13-28 File size 139 KB
DOI 10.3280/SPC2021-088002
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This essay focuses on the contribution that early photography had in planning one of the most characteristic phenomena of contemporary visual and popular culture: the rise of the star. Thanks to photography, stardom has become a true global, democratic and popular experience, attracted by the sublimated possession of bodies, but also by their fanatic adoration and devotion. In particular, the role of the French dancer Cléo de Mérode (1875-1966), as the first mass icon of the contemporaneity in the photographic era, will be explored.

Keywords: photography, mass icon, Cléo de Mérode, celebrity culture, pop culture

Federica Muzzarelli, Il divismo e la fotografia. Cléo de Mérode, la prima fashion icon in "STORIA E PROBLEMI CONTEMPORANEI" 88/2021, pp 13-28, DOI: 10.3280/SPC2021-088002