Reading groups to foster emotional communication between parents and infants up to 24 months of age

Journal title INTERAZIONI
Author/s Sara Micotti
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 94-112 File size 190 KB
DOI 10.3280/INT2018-002008
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This work explores the dialogue between neuroscience, research on the evolution of nar-rative, infant research, young children and group psychoanalysis. This has widened in recent years and highlighted the importance of early relational experiences between caregivers and infants. Developing brain structures are sensitive to environmental influences, which deter-mine the forming, the function and the pruning of synaptic connections. Psychoanalytical reading groups for parents and infants up to 24 months are set up and led by a child psycho-therapist and an actress. They combine telling stories with the observation of the bodily and emotional expressions of infants and toddlers. The idea isn’t to stimulate the minds of the young children and parents on a cognitive level, but to share the idea that human experience, which is initially turbulent, can eventually find shape, organisation and meaning. It is the shared storytelling that creates meaning through the human voice, its rhythm and bodily ges-tures associated with the mentalisation processes. The stories are partly written and partly have to be created by the parents themselves by looking at the colourful illustrations. Parents are not just passive participants but are encouraged to become emotionally engaged with their young children. Intimacy, exploration, surprise, pleasure and transformation of hyperactive or depressive moods are activated.

Keywords: Health promotion, psychoanalytic encounter group, booktraining for parents and young children, circulation and transformation of rêverie in the group, environmental resili-ence.

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Sara Micotti, Gruppi di lettura per facilitare la comunicazione naturale tra genitori e bambini da 0 a 24 mesi in "INTERAZIONI" 2/2018, pp 94-112, DOI: 10.3280/INT2018-002008