Making space for refugees. A reflection upon the diffuse and integrated system of refugees’ reception. The case of Roccagorga.

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Sandra Annunziata
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 39-56 File size 192 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2017-001003
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Roccagorga is a small municipality in the Lepini Mountains, in the province of Latina, which hosts a project of refugees’ integrated system of reception within the Sistema di Protezione per Richiedenti Asilo e Rifugiati (System of Protection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) (Sprar). By building on data drawing from participant observation and in-depth semi-structured interviews, the author argues that the project in Roccagorga, a municipality with progressively aging population located in a marginal territorial area, has resulted in a local experimentation for the active inclusion of refugees based on the availability of spaces used for the project of reception. The strength of the project is rooted in the possibility of convergence between the local territorial resources and the opportunity offered by the system of reception. It is based on a principle of reciprocity between the resources and needs of a territory and the resources and needs of the beneficiaries hosted in the project.

Keywords: Refugees, integrated system of reception, Sprar, small municipalities, inclusion, space, reciprocity.

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Sandra Annunziata, Fare spazio all’accoglienza. Una riflessione sul progetto territoriale di accoglienza integrata di Roccagorga in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 1/2017, pp 39-56, DOI: 10.3280/MM2017-001003