Il racconto di una ricerca sulla felicità urbana

Journal title PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro
Author/s Giorgio Piccinato
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/2
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 101-110 File size 207 KB
DOI 10.3280/PRI2012-002008
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The paper intends to upset consolidated approaches, following new paradigms coming to light in human social sciences: it tries to emphasize the determinant role of quality in economic advanced contexts, where basic quantities are substantially granted. Such quality can be mentioned as "happiness", "beauty", "well being", and is strongly linked to the form and the uses of the urban and territorial space. It is also suggested that local culture and public polices can positively reverberate one on the other. A first case study is the city of Fermo, in the Marche region. After a survey on the basic socio-economic data, an investigation was carried out on attitude, behaviour and wishes of the inhabitants toward their territory

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Giorgio Piccinato, Il racconto di una ricerca sulla felicità urbana in "PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro" 2/2012, pp 101-110, DOI: 10.3280/PRI2012-002008