Marketing strategy of agribusiness firms in the paduan territory: from knowing how to make to knowing how to sell

Author/s Enrico Scarso, Ettore Bolisani, Marco Paiola
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/2
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 187-212 File size 293 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2014-002011
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The context where Italian agribusiness firms are operating is rapidly changing and becoming increasingly complex. Those changes pose firms in front of key questions. In particular, in a turbulent and difficult context, what is the value of knowing how to sell? Are quality of raw materials, production competences, and Made in Italy enough in order to sell food? This study tries to answer the mentioned questions. It describes and discusses the main evidence coming from an empirical research, funded in 2013 by Confindustria Padova with the aim of taking an up-to-date picture of commercial and marketing problems of agribusiness firms in the Province of Padua, and to identify practices and models suitable for those firms. The study adopts a traditional research methodology: an analysis of appropriate documental sources preceded the empirical investigation, based on 15 face-to-face semistructured interviews, supported by meetings and workshops with managers and industry’s professionals.

Keywords: Agribusiness, Marketing, Case Studies

Jel codes: L66; M31

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Enrico Scarso, Ettore Bolisani, Marco Paiola, Il marketing nelle imprese agroalimentari del padovano: dal saper fare al saper vendere in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 2/2014, pp 187-212, DOI: 10.3280/ES2014-002011