Le strategie di finanziamento per il settore idrico dei maggiori paesi europei

Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/3
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 331-349 File size 113 KB
DOI 10.3280/ED2014-003002
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The complexities hindering the adoption of rational economic decisions to finance the water sector are well known. It is, therefore, useful to review the different financing options of the sector in the major European countries. The possible financing strategies for the water sector can be broadly grouped into three macro categories: reduction of costs, increase in service revenues (from the socalled "3Ts" - taxes, tariffs or transfers) and, finally, use of repayable finance obtained from markets and/or public resources. The OECD also recommends a sustainable cost recovery approach. In this paper, we have examined the different financing strategies implemented by some of the main European countries.

Keywords: Water sector financing, sustainable cost recovery

Jel codes: L 95G3

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, Le strategie di finanziamento per il settore idrico dei maggiori paesi europei in "ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO " 3/2014, pp 331-349, DOI: 10.3280/ED2014-003002