Cognitive aspects of car sharing in Millennials. Active sharers and reluctant users

Author/s Giovanna Magnani, Tommaso Bertolotti, Antonella Zucchella
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/1
Language English Pages 24 P. 39-62 File size 1044 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2018-001004
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In this paper, we analyze how car sharing is experienced by both active sharers and reluctant users. We integrate the consumer culture theory perspective with a cognitive approach to gain knowledge as to the cognitive aspects involved in the decision to use car sharing services. Through a phenomenographic design, we explore the different understandings of car sharing on a sample of Italian Millennials, interviewed either with a dedicated Focus Group or through in-depth individual interviews. Within our design, we employ what we call a "cognitive approach" to Focus Groups. We find three emerging understandings of car sharing and hypothesize that Millennials’ attitude towards the sharing economy may be affected by a mild extent of cognitive dissonance.

Keywords: Sharing, ownership, use, understandings, cognitive, phenomenography

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Giovanna Magnani, Tommaso Bertolotti, Antonella Zucchella, Cognitive aspects of car sharing in Millennials. Active sharers and reluctant users in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 1/2018, pp 39-62, DOI: 10.3280/MC2018-001004