Sustainability of agri-food chain in the perspective of circular economy

Author/s Laura Costantino
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2017/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 5-16 File size 40 KB
DOI 10.3280/AIM2017-001001
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The aim of increasing the efficiency of the agri-food chain in the EU, both from the point of view of the profitability of the agricultural enterprises and of the stability of food prices for the consumer over time, is penalized by the absence of a systematic approach on the different problems specific to the supply chain by the European institutions. The development of regulatory solutions to the specific problems of the agri-food supply chains joins the recent measures for implementing European policies on the circular economy, not always within an organic framework. The search for greater efficiency in the agri-food chain cannot fail to examine the efficient management of natural resources, the fair remuneration of agricultural producers, the balance in contractual relations along the supply chain, in a perspective that can only be unitary. In the framework of the European objectives indicated in the measures on the circular economy, the Author intends to verify how the national and regional provisions have been implemented to regulate food losses and waste, a phenomenon that undoubtedly represents the inefficient management of the agri-food chain and therefore represents an interesting field to verify the application measures of the circular economy model.

Keywords: Sustanibility of agri-food chain, circular economy, food loss, food waste.

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Laura Costantino, La sostenibilità della filiera agroalimentare nell’ottica dell’economia circolare in "AGRICOLTURA ISTITUZIONI MERCATI " 1/2017, pp 5-16, DOI: 10.3280/AIM2017-001001