Learning disorders related to epilepsy: role of epilepsy and function of antiepilepsy therapy

Author/s Sergio Zanini, Alessandra Pizzardi
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2010/Suppl. 3
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 109-122 File size 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/CDD2010-S03007
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The present paper aims at presenting a critical revision of the literature concerning learning disabilities in epilepsy. We will also address the issue of tolerability of antiepileptic drugs in terms of effects on cognitive functions. Finally, we will discuss the possible role of subclinical paroxysmal activities in learning disabilities.

Keywords: Epilepsy, cognitive functions, cognitive deficits, antiepilepsy drugs

Sergio Zanini, Alessandra Pizzardi, Disordini dell’apprendimento in epilessia: ruolo dell’epilessia e ruolo della terapia antiepilettica in "CHILD DEVELOPMENT & DISABILITIES - SAGGI" Suppl. 3/2010, pp 109-122, DOI: 10.3280/CDD2010-S03007