Terapia ambientale, "Pet therapy" e tossicodipendenza: spappolamento del territorio e sofferenza individuale

Author/s Giovanni Pieretti
Publishing Year 2003 Issue 2002/67
Language Italian Pages 23 P. File size 157 KB
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For several decades, "Pet Therapy" has been applied in the treatment of psycho-physical and social problems. It has also often been regarded as a real asset for the rehabilitation of drug addicted people. This is the case in the Community of San Patrignano, the largest rehabilitation centre for ex drug-addicts in the world: in the very first layout of the Community’s project and statement, the fundamental role played by the environment is asserted, and fostering the respect for nature and animals is considered a relevant part of the treatment. This is based on the assumption that the respect for nature and animals is strictly connected with the very idea of "community", hence with its imple-mentation. In a time when the territory is disintegrating, and the incidence of psycho-social problems, including drug addiction, is constantly increasing, the idea of community bears the utmost significance in that it resets the link between man and nature, of which the human-animal relationship is a most important aspect.

Giovanni Pieretti, Terapia ambientale, "Pet therapy" e tossicodipendenza: spappolamento del territorio e sofferenza individuale in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 67/2002, pp , DOI: