Dire violenza , fare violenza. Espressione, minaccia, occultamento e pratica della violenza durante la marcia su Roma

Author/s Giulia Albanese
Publishing Year 2003 Issue 2003/13
Language Italian Pages 18 P. File size 289 KB
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The article deals with the use of verbal as well as physical violence in the days of the march on Rome. The hypothesis presented here is that there is an indirect rela-tionship between the two, even though they are strongly linked. In particular, ver-bal violence is shown not only as either an impetus or a legitimation for physical violence, but also as the means for removing its memory in the political debate, as it is shown by the example of Mussolini’s speech at the Chamber of the Deputies of the 16th of November, 1922. Morover, great emphasis is put on the reconstruc-tion of the episodes of physical violence, in order to show the importance of the use of physical violence in the political process of the march on Rome, especially in the local theatres of fascist seizure of power.

Giulia Albanese, Dire violenza , fare violenza. Espressione, minaccia, occultamento e pratica della violenza durante la marcia su Roma in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 13/2003, pp , DOI: