Televisione e consensi elettorali: sette lezioni in forma di dialogo

Author/s Giacomo Sani
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2004/1
Language Italian Pages 33 P. File size 89 KB
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Through a brilliant and unusual narrative style, the author describes an imaginary dialogue between Magister, expert of political communication and Simplicius, student willing to learn. The conversation, articulated into seven lessons, touches upon all the main arguments concerning the relationship between television and politics and relates them (especially in the two final lessons) to Berlusconi and Forza Italia. In particular, Magister meticulously summarises for his student the current debate concerning how the media can affect the citizen’s political behaviour and what are the implications both in the short and in the long term for the good functioning of contemporary democracies.

Giacomo Sani, Televisione e consensi elettorali: sette lezioni in forma di dialogo in "COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA" 1/2004, pp , DOI: