Religione, società e diritto in Europa occidentale

Author/s Silvio Ferrari
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2004/2
Language Italian Pages 12 P. File size 113 KB
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This article considers the apparent contradiction between the secularisation of private life and the way in which the public life in a certain number of European countries currently seems to feature a return to religious confession. A brief description is given of the theses propounded by the theorists of religious economy, who maintain that the near future will witness the prevalence of religious groups with a strong, rigorous identity, which puts them in opposition to those who identify the future of Christianity with its transformation into a sort of civil religion of the Europeans. The concluding part of the essay looks at the various different scenarios of ecclesiastic policy that may derive from the two different perspectives.

Silvio Ferrari, Religione, società e diritto in Europa occidentale in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2004, pp , DOI: