Open access

2 issues per year, ISSNe 1828-9363

Articoli della rivista disponibili in modalità . Open Access

Rivista di Psicologia Clinica/Journal of Clinical Psychology (RPC) is an open access Journal, which publishes papers focused on any area of the Clinical Psychology as well as concerning its interdisciplinary interests.
Theoretical, review, empirical and case reports works are welcome, in all cases based on their quality in terms of innovation and methodological rigor. Case studies will be accepted if they use the intervention experience for modeling purposes.
RPC publishes articles in English and Italian, in the latter case when this choice is functional to the topic and/or is useful given the target audience. Articles in Italian will be placed in a specific section.
RPC adopts a double-blind peer review policy. It will also host a debate area, whose contributions will be subject to the evaluation of the Editorial Board only. As far, the idea is to keep the current mode of open access online publication.

RPC has a long and important history. Founded in 1982, it contributed to lay the grounds for clinical psychology to emerge as a distinct disciplinary field and a new professional area in Italy. RPC aims to be the driver of a view of clinical psychology characterized by the merge of two main theoretical and methodological tenets - A) a broad vision of the function of clinical psychology, according to which clinical psychology has to embrace the ambition to go beyond individual and micro-social issues, and encompass social and institutional phenomena as areas of interventions; B) a critique of the applicative and top-down view of the relation between knowledge and practice, and the corresponding proposal to conceptualize that relation in terms of a recursive dialectics.
RPC is designed to be an open space of debate, able to foster dialogue between the different souls and sensitivities of the Clinical Psychology, with a particular attention paid to the dialectic between research and intervention, the dialogue among theoretical and methodological frameworks, the analysis and the construction of strategies to address the emergent challenges that society provides to psychology and more in general to social sciences.
Accordingly, RPC can be meant to stand for the link between Research, Profession and Contexts. From 2022, RPC will have a new Editor in chief (EIC), a new group of Co-Editors, supported by a new Editorial Board (SC).

Editor-in-Chief: Sergio Salvatore
Associate Editors: Fiorella Bucci, Barbara Cordella, Maria Francesca Freda, Gianluca Lo Coco, Caterina Lombardo, Elena Vegni, Claudia Venuleo, Cinzia Novara, Annamaria Petito, Ruggero Andrisano Ruggieri, Adriano Schimmenti
Scientific Board: Vincenzo Bochicchio, Fiorella Bucci, Barbara Cordella, Maria Francesca Freda, Omar Gelo, Gianluca Lo Coco, Clara Mucci, Vittorio Lingiardi, Caterina Lombardo, Cinzia Novara, Raffaele De Luca Picione, Annamaria Petito, Ruggero Andrisano Ruggieri, Alfonso Santarpia, Adriano Schimmenti, Elena Vegni, Patrizia Velotti, Claudia Venuleo, Alessandro Zennaro
Scientific Advisory Board: Daniela Alves Nogueira, Evrinomy Avri, Gerhard Benetka, Angela Branco, Anna Buchheim, Carla Cunha, Jack Drescher, Jutta Fiegl, Miguel Gonçalves, Rafael Jódar Anchía, Hroar Klempe, Elias Kourkoutas, Anastassios Matsopoulos, Julia Menichetti Delor, Nacho Montero, Franco Orsucci, Alfred Pritz, Thomas Rihacek, João Salgado, Gordon Sammut, Michel Sanchez-Cardenas, José Saporta, Gunter Schiepek, Wolfgang Tschacher, Jaan Valsiner, Tania Zittoun

Contatti: c/o FrancoAngeli, Via Savoia 80, 00198 Roma
Redazione: rivistapsicologiaclinica@gmail.com

Papers submitted to the journal are typically screened by the editor or one of the associate editors to determine whether the manuscript falls within Journal’s Aims and Scope and satisfies the academic standards of the field. Papers are then assigned to an editor who oversees the entire editorial process including the final decision on the manuscript. If judged suitable for publication, the manuscript is sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as possible consultation between Editorial Board members, the editor decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected.

Editorial Guidelines
Licence agreement

Article Processing Charges & Fees

To publish the accepted papers authors are required to pay an article processing charge (APC) of € 1.500,00 (+ VAT).
Authors with no affiliation to research institutions are required to pay an article processing charge of € 100,00 (+ VAT). Junior and young researchers (< 40y) and/or authors from Eastern European, African, Latin American countries are required to pay an article processing charge of € 50,00 (+ VAT).
Invited papers are free.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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They are certified repositories offering also authors and libraries the guarantee of technological updating, and formats to allow them to enjoy full text in perpetuity and in the most complete way possible.

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Issue 2/2024

Regular Articles
