I servizi relazionali per la prima infanzia. Le sezioni autogestite di Reggio Emilia: uno studio sociologico di caso

Author/s Nadia Tarroni
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/3
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 121-142 File size 127 KB
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This study concerns pre-school education, families and relationship. The first part of the article is focused on the tie between the change of meanings and educational methods and the process of simultaneous de-construction and re-construction of the family life and its educational models, among newly established families. These topics are helpful to introduce and understand the spread of a relation-centred perspective of observation and interpretation of the early childhood services. The sociological frame so defined introduces the case study explained in the second part of article. The analysis starts presenting the historical, sociological and cultural framework of the case in order to show the characteristics of the relation and participation’s pedagogy as the core of the Reggio Approach. It goes on presenting some results of an empirical investigation carried out on an association of parents that since 1991 has been self-managing the nursery schools of their children. The aim of the study is to highlight why and how far the services analyzed could be defined as relational services.

Nadia Tarroni, I servizi relazionali per la prima infanzia. Le sezioni autogestite di Reggio Emilia: uno studio sociologico di caso in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 3/2007, pp 121-142, DOI: