La Germania come paese di trasformazione. Avant et après la lettre

Journal title FUTURIBILI
Author/s Robert Hettlage
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/3
Language Italian Pages 29 P. 189-217 File size 242 KB
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Germany as a country of transformation. Avant et après la lettre The author presents his thoughts on the global dissemination of democracy, providing a summary of the academic discussion on the endogenous and exogenous features of the process. The paradigm of the endogenous spread of democracy is considered unsatisfactory as an explanation of democratisation at worldwide level and in particular in eastern Europe. The author considers that the exogenous and international dimension of the development of democracy plays a central role when it is seen in terms of exportation of democracy in a framework of development. His basic thesis is that the international dimension of every country has a determining influence on its democratisation and stabilisation, especially though membership of international organisations and their democratic mechanisms.

Robert Hettlage, La Germania come paese di trasformazione. Avant et après la lettre in "FUTURIBILI" 3/2007, pp 189-217, DOI: