Rapportio tra capacità percettive e immaginative nell'anziano

Author/s Alessandro Antonietti, Paolo Bartolomeo, Alessandra Colombi, Chiara Incorpora, Serena Oliveri
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/1-2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 105-120 File size 339 KB
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Rapportio tra capacità percettive e immaginative nell'anziano The battery devised by Bartolomeo, Bachoud-Lèvi and Chokron, (2001), including both perceptual and imagery tests, was administered to 45 adults ranging in age from 52 to 80 years. As far as relationships between perception and imagination are concerned, positive correlations were found only in tasks requiring the processing of symbolic materials (letters, words, numbers), suggesting the relative independence of imagery from perception. Regards to the relations among imagery tasks, two groups of tests, positively correlated one another, emerged: tasks involving the construction of mental pictures and tasks asking to detect the detailed shape of stimuli. Imagery skills appeared to be articulated in different patterns also in elderly people.

Alessandro Antonietti, Paolo Bartolomeo, Alessandra Colombi, Chiara Incorpora, Serena Oliveri, Rapportio tra capacità percettive e immaginative nell'anziano in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 1-2/2008, pp 105-120, DOI: