Violenza di coppia e tenerezza dei legami. Metodologia dell’intervento clinico in caso di divorzio

Author/s Vittorio Cigoli, Marialuisa Gennari
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/88
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 27-58 File size 1672 KB
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Violenza di coppia e tenerezza dei legami. Metodologia dell’intervento clinico in caso di divorzio - The explosion and chronicization of violence in couple-parental relationships have been clinically studied for a long time. In this respect, the various paradigms (Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Systemic) offered several guidelines and especially highlighting the presence of mediating factors (moderators) and predictors of violent action. Among them, the generational exchange modalities, the way people relate to their peers and the socio-economic context. However, it has to be said that it’s the couple’s bond itself, being it tender and fragile, that exposes the partners to violence risk. Finally, from a clinical-generational point of view, the children, as members of the family body, ought to be considered. Moreover, couple separation and divorce are well known to be trigger factors or amplifiers of the violent action. The technique used by the authors to face the matter is presented through a clinical case narration. It foresees the organization of the intervention in several "scenes" as well as the use of various instruments (self-report, graphic-projective, associative on the basis of images- paintings) that help reflection and the re-launch of the bond between the ex-partners-parents and their children. Moreover, the article outlines the importance of verifying, in the mid-long term, the effects of the counselling work.

Vittorio Cigoli, Marialuisa Gennari, Violenza di coppia e tenerezza dei legami. Metodologia dell’intervento clinico in caso di divorzio in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 88/2008, pp 27-58, DOI: